Thursday, August 13, 2009

deeper things - my soft morning walk

Today, August 13, will now and hereafter be known to me as “The Day of my Soft Walk." I am now naming my days. I will honor this one walk with its own day.

Everything was soft about this morning’s 5:45AM walk. The breeze was soft, the birds, deciding to sleep in today, left room for the soft sounds of distant crickets, not the loud harsh variety, but the soft cricket serenade that seems to drift in and out on the breeze. I walked even more slowly than my usual slow pace; at times I am not sure I was walking at all. (confession…I carry a pedometer…my pace…1.38 miles in 41 minutes) I walked through a gauntlet of misty sprinklers on either side of the sidewalk…soft cool mist coating my arms. The sunrise was soft…sneaking up behind the clouds so as not to announce too startlingly its arrival. If I walk slowly enough and softly enough, I thought, I could close my eyes. I did. (I seem to need an alignment…I kept pulling to my left). The muted sleepy owl off in some muted sleepy tree warned me…wwwhhhooo…I think for a moment I drifted away. . No…I don’t think I drifted away. I did drift away. The drifting sealed it…it is now and forever…The Day of my Soft Walk.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you need to get your "wheels" aligned!

    I love mornings this time of year - today I stood on my balcony listening to the insects and watching the sky. Late summer is definitely soft.
