Monday, August 17, 2009

checking in - morning walk of agitation

This morning's walk...I didn't notice the birds, the crickets, the breeze, the cool late August air. I was counting, crunching numbers. My own maladaptive coping response. I am a few days from having the stomach "PEG" inserted, and this, I think, was weighing on me. I can tell you that September will mark 30 years of working as a Psychologist, that if I am able to keep working, we will be able to pay off the mortgage in 84 months...three months before the magic age of 65. I can tell you that I was 29 years and one month old when I got my Ph.D. and it will be take about 5 more months for me to be able to say I was a "Doctor" exactly the same length of time that I was NOT a Doctor in my life.

This morning, I was on the last turn of the walk, and I realized I hadn't noticed a whole stretch of houses that usually catches my attention. This morning, I was working the numbers.

This stomach feeding tube, which may only be briefly necessary for a few weeks at the worst of the treatment process, has all of a sudden got me unnerved. I'm not thinking about radiation or chemo...I'm bummed about this tube. I dont want to look that way, and I don't want to squeeze liquid through a tube into my stomach, like inflating a flat tire with some canned gel from the glove box. I know it will not be visible when dressed, but, I am going to be walking around with this thing attached to me.

When I get agitated, when I get scared, I use numbers to bring some crazy sense of restoration to my buzzing brain. I remember taking an aptitude test and I was told I should think about becoming an accountant...Oh, thank God, I passed on that junior high bit of prognostication.

I can tell you about where the numbers thing began with a crazed ax murderer roaming the Catskill mountains... near, of all places, camp Kewanee, a refuge of about 150 suburban Jewish kids whose parents wanted them to escape the confines of the suburbs or the city for the great outdoors, and give them (the parents) an 8 week break...I was age 8 or 9. I was always thinking I had the ability to figure things out; I needed to keep this super ability under wraps, or the edge it gave me would be lost. As probably every camper who ever spent a night in a tent or cabin with a handful of boys and adult supervision has heard...a few years back there was a group of campers, boy scouts, hikers, _________ (fill in the blank to match whatever state of affairs your 8 year old life finds you in.) And these boys were careless about a campfire, which got out of hand, which spread to a nearby farmhouse, cabin, primitive dwelling,etc. where the reclusive Tim Tyler lived with his wife (that was the name of my particular ax murderer). Their dwelling burned down, killing Tim Tyler's wife. Tim went totally insane with grief, and has been roaming the woods with an ax, looking for boys to hack to pieces ever since. Well, this story was NEWS to me!!! AND MY BED WAS THE LAST IN THE CABIN, JUST BELOW THE BACK WINDOW WHICH HAD A SCREEN THAT WAS HELD ON WITH ABOUT THREE THUMBTACKS...TIM TYLER COULD RIP THAT OUT WITHOUT EVEN HAVING TO SET DOWN HIS AX. HE COULD REACH THROUGH THAT WINDOW AND PLUCK ME OUT OF THAT BED LIKE HE WAS REACHING FOR A CHICKEN WING IN A BUCKET OF FRIED CHICKEN.

Well, on night one after learning about this crazed killer, I was not about to go to sleep...I'm no fool. I kept my eye on that screen and one leg half out of the bed so I could bolt as soon as that hand came through the screen. On night two, my counselor, walking to the back of the cabin to use the bathroom at about 3 AM, seeing me still wide awake, asked me why I wasn't sleeping. My reply..."I heard someone rustling around in the woods!" The next day, realizing the situation, the counselor attempted to "debrief" me...told me the story was made up, and THERE WAS NO TIM TYLER. Here's where my super ability kicked in...that is exactly what I would have told a scared kid if I were the I said, I am no fool...I will not fall for that attempt at damage control. If everyone knew about Tim Tyler, there wouldn't be any kids at all at this camp; what parent would send their child away to be axed to death by a crazy man. They HAVE to tell you it's just a made up story. I saw right through that counselor's scheme to keep the truth under wraps.

Appearing on day three on the wall by my bed...I taped a hand drawn calendar. Below it was this notation..."DAYS TILL END OF CAMP ______. " These were the number of days I had to survive the clutches of Tim Tyler in order to be able to return home alive and in one piece. I faithfully counted and marked that calendar every morning....I didn't just change the number "24 days" to the number "23 days"...after all, I could have made a mistake...and this was a matter of life and death. NO, I had to carefully COUNT the remaining days on my calendar. Nothing less would suffice. Truth be told, it was not just the roots of my OCD like coping skill, but the birth of my insomnia... From lights out until the tinny recording of the bugle woke us up over the camp P.A. system every morning, I watched that screen...watched through the long hours of the night...



  1. Steve - simply put, three (3) days til Maddie has something very in common with you. G-Buttons, now, by your description, they are not severing a limb or disfiguring in any way. I know it feels like that, but Maddie wishes to share the following..."Don't worry Steve, I have had a Peg Tube or Mic-Key as they are really called since I was three (3) years old. Mommy and Daddy feed me very well through my tube and I still get to eat icecream and pumpkin pie, so I have the best of both worlds! I giggle and laugh when they bolus me because it feels like butterflies in my tummy. My Grandpa used to tell me I was getting my groceries. Oh, yeah! And my sisters put a charm on my tube cap and call it my belly ring." Oh, and one big benifit of complete nutrition, Maddie holds the record for her age of seven (7) for donating the most hair to Locks of Love - over 28 inches - probably because of the Mic-Key. So, there you have it Steve, all the benefits from a 7 year old perspective! She would like to know if she should send you a charm for your new belly ring?

  2. Steve- My greatest prayer right now is that when the chemo and radiation are finished the only things you will be counting are your blessings. I truly think this will be the case. Your daily writings are so special as are you. Cindy

  3. Maddie and I was reading a book of poems tonight and found this one to share.

    Our life is like a tapestry
    Of intricate design
    With lovely patterns taking shape
    As colors intertwine,
    Some of the threads we weave ourselves
    By the things we choose to do --
    Sometimes a loving Father's touch
    Adds a special hue.
    And though tomorrow's pattern
    Is not for us to see --
    We can trust His perfect hand
    Through all eternity.
    Author unknown.

  4. I'm, er, older than seven, and my tube was for chemo rather than nourishment. It was in my chest. It was an odd experience to have me and not-me temporarily woven together. But I don't remember any pain whatsoever related to it, and I do remeber how much it helped. It was a sci-fi chapter, but the story moved on, eventually. And about all the numbers... Sure,you count. But also, you count.

  5. praying for grace abounding.count on the ancient human abilities of adaptation to make you at home with your new body guess is two days after tube placement you'll be getting used to each other...sometimes when i see something unpleasant coming my way I open my arms wide in a meditative /physical stance of openness and total acceptance.peace

  6. Sonny, you've got an awesome crowd lovin' you

  7. I feel ill qualified to add anything here. What I am qualified to add is related to recovery literature. I have found the 12 steps are wonderfully biblical and provide me with great peace. They are applicable to many life issues. They are "numbered"! They remind us of God. Honesty is bravery. You are both Steve. My prayers continue.

  8. I feel you on the feeding tube thing. I have seen and recommended literally hundreds of them, but thinking about them in your own body is disturbing! The good news-are minds and bodies quickly adapt to foreign invasion and hopefully you won't be bothered by it too much. Thankfully, it is also temporary.
