Saturday, September 5, 2009

deeper things - In a Rocky Pasture

It was an absolutely beautiful day...I reclined on a lounger on our backyard patio and listened to birds and gentle breeze and watched lazy flying bugs. No one bothering to disturb the peace of another. Just beautiful. Just beautiful. Above or beyond all the drama. Lovely. And I had a delicious bowl of chicken noodle soup (thanks Dr. Nash)...and pondered this poem sent to me by friend Joyce...with a photo by Mike Forsberg of a large craggy rock in a pasture on the side of a hill. It all worked!!!

I am happy.

In a Rocky Pasture

Who knows how much of the world
this stone on a hill has turned its back to
in thousands of years, curled into itself,
pretending to sleep. It lay there
while everything happened happened
and it rejected it all. Put your hand
on any stone and you'll feel it slightly
tighten. They want nothing to do with our kind.

Ted Kooser


  1. I say ahhhhhhhh with and for you..... not a cookie-cutter match but oh so glad you have this YES-peace of God.

  2. Steve,
    It was so good to see and visit with you today. I am happy that you had a good day. I was also thinking about the trip to San Fran. I'm so happy that Kathy went on that trip with all of us. :) cd

  3. thanks cindy was good to visit, and I'm glad the friendship you had with that Kathy girl (who you insisted tag along with our group to San Francisco)...and our subsequent years of friendship aren't weakened by radiation. BTW...whatever became of that Kathy? I kinda liked her...oh...she's getting the car ready again to haul my sorry self to Omaha...

    That's the ticket!... In my 3AM musings i was trying to figure out just one thing that gets better with radiation...perhaps that's it!!!! Friendship! That's worthy of a deeper thing post.

  4. diane

    this YES- peace of God...and the ahhhhhh of a good day...I am looking for the button on TIVO to record for later can find!!! So...I'll just make sure I take it all in and savor it now.

  5. Steve - as always, your posts amaze me. You share the depth to which many of us fear. You are brave - like a knight. From my Episcopal planner, Saturdays prayer was...
    For morning light and the gift of a new day, we praise you, our heavenly Father; and with thankful hearts we now entust ourselves and those we love into your hands; praying that you will guard us and help us, guide us and strengthen us in all that lies before us this day; In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
