Thursday, September 3, 2009

checking in - we were in different movies

An incident struck me yesterday afternoon...I was in my office building; I saw one client and had to cancel the other three I had scheduled as I was feeling so poorly. Walking down a long hall to check the mail...I was walking exactly like the characters in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD...and I was feeling just like they must have felt, though I was feeling "shot" in the stomach and the neck, not in the head...I was moving at a pace of about 10 feet a minute, my body feeling contorted and twisted...and an insurance salesman from down the hall was walking toward me...Bill...and Bill said..."Hey, how's it going...they keepin ya busy?" And I nodded and said, "youbet." And I felt like I might vomit right there on Bill's shoes...and then Bill said..."Hey...howd you like to come attend an informational meeting I'm presenting next Wednesday on Roth IRA conversions down the street at the Library? You know...all the tax laws are changin 1n 2010, so this is a great time to think about that!" And I said..."thanks, Bill, but I think I'm busy next Wednesday," and I walked off wondering... "What movie was he just in?"


  1. oh, sounds like that Egyptian one, you know, that famous River...... :-)

  2. amazing as it is, today the "post works"-maybe that's an omen for you Steve. Your journey is way too familiar- my heart is with you and I pray for you many times a day.Debby
