Wednesday, October 7, 2009

checking in - more meds

radiation day 30 of 35

Finally, I can say...ONE MORE WEEK...then, though the burning will persist, no new damage will be inflicted, and healing will be a slow steady process. The oncologist upped all my meds, including adding a "patch" of narcotic, which will be upped to 2 or 3 patches worn simultaneously. Not to replace the hydrocodone, but to add to it. He also had several suggestions to make this week more bearable. It is a full time job just keeping all the meds straight and getting hydration accomplished. Kathy has written out a complete schedule.

I am fairly well miserable...again, today. The oncologist stated I am one step beyond the normal level of beaten up at this point, though, he said, that could be worse...two or three steps beyond, and they consider hospitalization. It looks like I will get through this without requiring that. I will take all the meds they want me to take; I am beyond protest, and I look forward to my next dose of hydrocodone like it's a banana split.

Good friendly comfort food list..any more? Looks like a lot of people pick ice cream. I'll stick with my bagel, or as Ann said, a piece of Pizza, and I agree... even bad Pizza beats about anything else.


  1. We continue to pray daily(sometimes for often than that) for you. The finish line is getting nearer. Hey, Cheer the Huskers to a victory tomorrow night. :)

  2. How about an Oreo and a glass of cold milk! Or a Dove bar. Give me chocolate every time. Don't spare the meds. For now consider that your "comfort food".

    LUV U,


  3. More friendly comfort foods? I submit to you: peanut butter...toast...Peanut butter ON toast... Mmmmmmmmm. Just the smells of one or the other or both send me. Add a cup of good coffee and I float toward the ceiling like that cartoon dog with a dog biscuit. (Not flattering, but close to the truth.) Wishing you comfort and thanking God for your wonderful Kathy.

  4. You are in our thoughts and prayers many, many times during the day and night. We are praying for relief of pain, for strength, endurance, surrender and the peace of God.
