Wednesday, October 21, 2009

checking in - feelin' better

Today makes one week since my completion of radiation...I met with my oncologist and he again told me that this past week and this week in front of me were typically experienced as badly as the prior two weeks. He said the two weeks following this coming week (i.e. the first two weeks in November), should be marked by dramatic improvements. In spite of that prognostication, I slept better last night, and today I felt quite a bit better and stronger than I had been feeling the last few. I did some walking around in Omaha with Kathy, as we had several hours between appointments, and I know I would not have been able to do that last week. So I will take it as a good day, and be thankful for it. I'm not going to make predictions again about what tomorrow might bring, as I have learned more than once that that is setting myself up. But I am feeling pretty good right now. I have cut back on the narcotic patch and, again, the oncologist was surprised to see that I was not having more difficulty with pain control. Anyway, a good day, and a better mood. Today I daydreamed about how good a sweet juicy orange tastes...oh, that sounds like heaven.
I can't hardly believe I could someday get to enjoy that again.

This is a marathon and not a sprint. Having never run a marathon, (nor a sprint for that matter), it's all new to me.


  1. You don't have to fear hell because I think you have been there. Hopefully it is all uphill from here on. May every day be a new blessing for you and Kathy.
    If you ever need to kill time in Omaha we'd love to see you. When you're better I'll offer you orange juice or the real thing, an orange. My prayers are the best I can offer now. Love, Auntie Kay

  2. love and prayers from omaha. SO happy you had a better day friend!

  3. I'm not so much the runner, but I do walk. Last Sunday was Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, and I carried a St. Mark's banner honoring lion-hearted cancer fighters... including you. Onward, onward, step by step.--Peg

  4. Steve, I have run a few marathons, but I think what you have endured is far more difficult. I don't think running a marathon is even in the same catagory. The pain from running a marathon lasts only a couple of days. I think you have bragging rights. :) We continue to pray regularly for your recovery.

  5. May the Truth of His presence be real even during the moments you suffer the feelings of pain, sorrow, aloneness. May the power of the Spirit that brought Christ from His death fill you with His presence, comfort, strength and peace. Steve, you are a redeemed child of Abba who loves you deeply. You do not need to do anything- pray, meditate, read,if you can not- your brothers and sisters in Christ are acting on your behalf. Also, the Spirit is powefully interceeding for you...just release and open and breathe....He is with you. Romans 8:26 "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will" Praying daily for God's comfort, peace, and strength. May the moments of relief expand each day.
    M & M
