Sunday, September 6, 2009

checking in - Steve's new top ten list

Top 10 immediate benefits of radiation/chemotherapy

10. It’s green! Unplug those little energy drainers like nightlights and rechargeable flashlight batteries!!! Not necessary with that healthy “glow.”

9. Save money and be environmentally friendly. No need to buy bottled water in those terrible plastic bottles...just find an old piece of carpet embedded with metal shavings to chew is equally refreshing and tastes identical!

8. It’s a Weight Watcher’s super problem keeping your “points” under your lifetime membership can be achieved in weeks, not years.

7. Daily power nap...learn to sleep while encased and bolted to the excellent back support of a metal table slab.

6. Forego those costly tattoo’ your arm turn beautiful colors on it’s own for days and weeks after trained nurses poke and prod for a good vein.

5. Routine of “regularity” got you down? It’s an adventure here!!!

4. Pills, pills. every room of the house...misplaced the reading glasses? Just grab a few of these and a few of those and your bound to get some kind of relief.

3. Dozens of new empty vials, tubes, for thumbtacks, paperclips, and all those odds and ends that never have a place to land.

2. Creates a breeding ground for cards, prayers, encouragement.

1. Fertilizes the human heart for friendship and love to blossom and blossom and blossom.


  1. You CANNOT keep a good man down! From the depths of it all emerge your biting humor and Godly life force. We could have a comparison contest with all of those poked arm black-and-blue marks.... but no. This is your time and space, dear.

  2. ha!! I love your favorite is containers for all the odds and ends around the house. I totally know what you mean about the needle time when I was getting attacked by a nurse I thought I just might pass out and finally I said "Could you just get someone else?"...and guess what? The new nurse got it on the first try!! What the....

  3. I thought you might like this poem by Sam Keen.

    In quantum physics
    as in love,
    in searching out
    matter and meaning
    paradox rules.

    Protons, being particle and wave,
    person, being single and connected,
    arrive at their destination
    before they embark on the journey.

    The arrow of longing
    hits the target
    before we take aim.

    The answer sleeps
    in the question.

    The lost treasure
    is our found/ation.

    Start with the conclusion,
    the end encoded in the beginning.

    The problem of the meaning of life
    is solved by the mystery of love.

  4. Today's prayer...Lord, renew our spirits, that our work may not be to us a burden but a delight.

    I think this is you, Steve. You are teaching all of us to look at everything in a new light, not of a burden, but a delight in the paths of our lives. Thank you for this.
